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Does CBD Get You High?

Does CBD Get You High?

Cannabinoids like CBD have only recently made their way to the main stage. People are changing their attitudes towards cannabis or hemp-derived products, and we’re starting to see more CBD on store shelves. 

If you’ve never used CBD, you’re probably wondering why so many other people do. You might even have some concerns that the product would get you high. After all, it comes from hemp plants, and hemp is a type of cannabis. If you have reservations about using CBD, we have all the information you need to decide about using CBD.

There are over 113 cannabinoids, and each has a different purpose and effect. CBD is one of many, and when observed isolated from other cannabinoids, it has never been demonstrated to make its users feel high. 

An Overview of the Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoids produce their effects by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. Your endocannabinoid system is a massive network of receptors that exist throughout your body. Cannabinoids can also interact with other receptors outside of that network, creating broad effects that can significantly impact how you physically and emotionally feel. 

From the perspective of the history of medical science, the endocannabinoid system is still a recent discovery. Medical researchers are still working to understand how and why the endocannabinoid system influences many bodily processes, from mood to digestion to immunity. 

The human body makes and uses at least two unique endogenous cannabinoids. It sends these cannabinoids throughout the body, and the endocannabinoid system rapidly utilizes them. This process is quick and seemingly spontaneous, which makes it challenging to record and understand. 

When cannabinoids from other sources enter the body and reach the endocannabinoid system, they interact with different receptors differently. This is due to the fundamental differences in cannabinoids. Each cannabinoid has a unique distinguishing shape. Each receptor receives that cannabinoid, and it fits like a puzzle piece. Different pieces make a different picture. 

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most prominent cannabinoids in cannabis (including hemp) plants. When CBD enters the endocannabinoid system, it interacts with every receptor without binding to it. CBD doesn’t latch on to create effects. 

Instead, it sends the receptors a message. This little nudge supports the homeostasis of the endocannabinoid system. CBD doesn’t hang on and override the impulses of the system. Instead, it inspires them to act of their own accord.

This can contribute to a feeling of overall wellness. Many people find that CBD makes them feel calm and soothes tension, two broad benefits that make most daily activities a little easier. This is why people claim that CBD helps them with so many lifestyle factors, like workout recovery and better sleep quality. It provides general support to your system, and your system does the work. 

CBD is the only cannabinoid recognized as medically valuable by the FDA. CBD has been FDA-approved under the brand name Epidiolex to treat people living with seizure disorders. 

This was an overwhelmingly significant achievement in medical cannabinoid research, and many cannabis researchers hope that this will be the first of many successful applications of cannabinoids for medical use. 

What is THC?

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is another prominent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. In hemp, its presence is a fraction of a percent by weight of the plant. In traditional cannabis, it can exceed 30% by weight. 

When THC enters the endocannabinoid system, it binds to the receptors. When it locks on, it changes the signals the body is attempting to transmit. This can produce a wide variety of effects, which may vary depending on the other constituents (like terpenes) of the plant that came along with it. 

This can feel like euphoria, mental energy, sleepiness, hunger, happiness, creativity, or a wealth of other emotions. The effects are highly specific to the individual and the type of cannabis. 

This binding is what creates the high. It alters your mind and impairs your cognition. Some people enjoy this feeling for medical or recreational purposes. 

CBD actually has the opposite effect. Research seems to suggest that CBD thwarts THC’s effort to bind to receptors. High CBD, low THC strains of cannabis produce the mildest highs not just because of their low THC content but because the CBD works against the THC they contain. 

THC is the Cannabinoid That Gets You High

Out of 113 cannabinoids, only one gets you high. It’s THC. That cannabinoid alone is responsible for producing the altered state of consciousness and euphoria people experience when using cannabis products. CBD doesn’t contribute to that effect. 

Hemp is simply cannabis plants that have been bred to produce significantly less THC. For a plant to be considered hemp, it has to produce less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. 

Hemp plants are the cannabis plants that THC-based cannabis users aren’t particularly interested in. To them, hemp is the equivalent of the end slices of a loaf of bread. In many other industries, hemp is the gold standard for the products they make. 

Farmers, textile makers, body care product manufacturers, vegan protein companies, cold-pressed oil producers, and CBD companies saw an excellent use for hemp as an agricultural and wellness product. Since hemp plants became formally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp products have become a part of our everyday lives. 

Does CBD Oil Contain THC?

The majority of CBD oil products contain trace amounts of THC that exist in the hemp plant. While it’s not enough THC to get the user high, it’s still not an option for many people. THC is relatively harmless in its ability to produce effects, but it can be harmful in other ways. 

Even though the minimal amount of THC in broad-spectrum CBD products won’t get you high, it can still build up in your system. This can lead to a drug test with a positive result for cannabis use, even though the person didn’t use recreational or mind-altering cannabis. 

Many people live lifestyles that a failed drug test will negatively impact. People who work in healthcare, people who work for the government, those who work around children or the elderly, people who operate machinery, and competitive athletes are all forbidden from using THC. 

Even for people whose places of employment don’t regularly test for THC, using it can pose risks. Workplace accidents or injuries usually require a drug test before a report can be filed. If you test positive for THC, you may lose your job or be denied compensation. 

There’s also the level of comfortability. Some people aren’t comfortable with the idea of using THC in any amount, even if it only traces remnants. No one should have to use a product they’re uncomfortable with. 

CBD Doesn’t Have to Be Made From Hemp

It’s possible to create natural CBD that has never come into contact with THC. That’s exactly what we’re doing at Peels. We have a proprietary process called cyclic terpene assembly. We use that process to take the terpenes (aromatic compounds) from orange peels and convert them into bioidentical CBD molecules. 

These CBD molecules will work with your body the exact same way hemp-derived CBD does but without the presence of any THC whatsoever. Peels won’t show up on a drug test, and it’s safe for athletes to use. 

Adding CBD to Your Wellness Ritual

CBD’s broad wellness benefits become more apparent with consistent use. You may notice that it’s easier to sleep or that you feel calmer soon after using CBD, but that’s just the very beginning. The benefits will become pronounced and sustainable after about a month of daily use. Use Peels every day by making it a part of your ritual.



Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids: What You Need To Know | National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Endocannabinoid System: An Overview | Science Direct 

FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy | FDA