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Does CBD Help With ADHD?

Does CBD Help With ADHD?

The internet would lead you to believe that CBD is essentially a miracle. While it’s true that CBD can contribute to a host of holistic wellness benefits, it’s never an effective substitute for a proven medication or medical treatment plan. 

You may have encountered anecdotes suggesting that CBD is something akin to a cure for ADHD. It’s generally good life advice not to believe everything that you read. CBD doesn’t do anything to directly treat ADHD, although people with ADHD may still enjoy CBD.

Is There Any Medical Research on CBD and ADHD?

There is no direct research on CBD’s effects on ADHD. There has been research on the use of whole cannabis, which is THC in conjunction with CBD. 

Cannabis research is of low quality. One of few studies on the subject found that participants didn’t show a significant degree of improvement in any areas for which the study was designed to measure or observe.

Participants were asked to abstain from alcohol use, drug use, and other medications throughout the study, but clinicians never made an effort to validate that the participants were adhering as directed.

If the participants used other medications or alcohol throughout the study, combining these active compounds with THC would make it impossible to discern the validity of the results.

In the end, the researchers essentially called the study a wash. They suggested that further testing of higher quality with better integrity would be necessary to determine the efficacy of cannabinoids for ADHD.

Another study used an oral spray containing a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD. The study’s conclusion found that there was no discernable benefit regarding the combination of cannabinoids to treat symptoms of ADHD. 

There are no studies on isolated CBD, so we cannot make a determination on CBD’s benefits for ADHD. 

Can You Use CBD If You Have ADHD?

CBD is generally recognized as safe for most people. If you’re receiving professional care for ADHD, check with your provider before using CBD or other supplements. You should only use CBD with your care provider’s full approval. 

CBD can sometimes affect how the body absorbs certain medications and may modify the outcome of treatments you’re currently using, making them appear to perform differently. 

Is CBD Safe For Children?

The only circumstance under which CBD is approved for children is when it's prescribed in the form of Epidiolex, an anti-seizure medication. Other than that specific instance, we don’t know much about how CBD may impact the overall well-being of children. If your child has ADHD, follow your pediatrician’s recommendations. Do not introduce CBD into your child’s routine without approval. 

Are There Any Natural Alternatives to ADHD Medication?

There are no known nutraceuticals or supplements that can treat ADHD. Patients with ADHD who do not wish to take medication may find success through behavioral therapy. Over time, people with ADHD can develop new and more productive habits that may help them overcome some of the challenges associated with their condition. 

Overall wellness is also important. Everyone functions much better when they’re adequately hydrated, eating a proper diet, and getting a sufficient amount of exercise. Feeling better in general and prioritizing your health is always necessary, whether or not you have ADHD. 

Using CBD as an Adult With ADHD

CBD cannot directly or indirectly treat ADHD, but it may be useful in supporting the body’s natural ability to facilitate processes that promote a calm mood and better sleep. Many people who live with ADHD experience similar symptoms in terms of emotional tension and trouble resting.

Many People With ADHD Have Feelings of Tension

ADHD and clinical anxiety are separate conditions, but people with ADHD often experience tension. They feel wound up from time to time, which can make it difficult to concentrate or relax.

Studies show that CBD has the potential for tension relief. More research needs to be conducted before we can draw a definitive conclusion, but initial studies show clinically significant results

Nearly 80% of participants in the study showed a temporary improvement in their level of anxiety, which is astounding when you consider that only 65% of participants lived with clinical anxiety. This suggests that CBD is also helpful at temporarily calming normal emotional turmoil that people may experience from time to time, even if they don’t have an anxiety disorder. 

While it’s too early to call CBD a support aid for relief treatment, CBD can temporarily help soothe emotional tension. People who use CBD often report that they find it easier to focus when they’re less tense. If you deal with occasional emotional tension, you may find that CBD can help to quiet down your nerves a little bit. 

People Living With ADHD Sometimes Have Difficulty Sleeping

Many people with ADHD experience difficulty “shutting their brains off.” If you have a hard time unwinding, falling asleep, or staying asleep, CBD may help your body naturally regulate its sleep cycle.

CBD works by promoting homeostasis within the body. It’s not like a sleeping pill that may cause grogginess the next morning or strange side effects. CBD doesn’t make you sleepy. It simply provides support to the endocannabinoid system, which may play a role in regulating sleeping cues and the body’s internal clock

CBD can encourage your body to settle into its own natural sleep-wake balance, especially when used with a proper bedtime ritual. Setting a bedtime and following the same steps can help your body and brain find themselves on the same page. 

CBD Is Most Effective With Long Term Use

Although some people may begin to experience some of the benefits of CBD within hours of using it, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. CBD takes about a month of daily use to produce reliable and consistent effects as it supports your overall wellness.

If you tried CBD once and found that it didn’t do anything for you, you’re probably right. It didn’t have enough time to provide you with holistic wellness support and promote homeostasis within your body. 

CBD For Overall Wellness

Study results have shown that THC doesn’t do anything to improve symptoms for people living with ADHD. There’s no reason to use THC in a managed approach to ADHD symptoms. In some areas, using products that contain THC might be illegal. 

CBD is legal in all 50 states. It’s non-psychoactive and generally regarded as safe for most people. The only problem is that most CBD oil comes from hemp plants containing small amounts of naturally occurring THC.

Peels Is CBD Without THC

Peels does things a little differently. While CBD usually comes from hemp plants, it doesn’t need to come from hemp plants. We use a proprietary process called cyclic terpene assembly to make CBD from terpenes

The cannabis plant naturally contains many terpenes, which are aromatic compounds plants produce to communicate with their environment. 

Some of the same terpenes naturally occur in orange peels. We rearrange those terpenes into bioidentical CBD molecules. Your body can utilize orange peel CBD the same way it utilizes hemp-derived CBD.

Everything we use to create our CBD comes from nature. Our products are lab tested for quality, purity, and safety, but we cannot say the same for many hemp-derived CBD products. We believe that going the extra mile is important.

Because there is no THC in oranges, there is no THC in Peels. This makes Peels the most valuable option for people seeking holistic wellness support without the potential presence of THC. Put a few drops under your tongue, hold them in place, and repeat every day. 

Add Peels to your daily ritual to experience the wellness benefits of CBD. 



Impact of ADHD and Cannabis Use on Executive Functioning in Young Adults | National Institutes of Health

Cannabinoids in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A randomised-controlled trial | Science Direct

FDA Approves First Drug Comprised of an Active Ingredient Derived from Marijuana to Treat Rare, Severe Forms of Epilepsy | FDA

Endocannabinoid signalling: has it got rhythm? | National Institutes of Health

New Report Finds 25% Of CBD Products Are Not Tested For Purity | Forbes