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Does CBD Make You Tired?

Does CBD Make You Tired?

CBD is rapidly gaining popularity as a wellness supplement. The people who swear by CBD are often quick to share their anecdotes. People claim to experience the benefits of CBD for a wide variety of concerns. How can something that works as a pre-work ritual also work as a sleep aid?

CBD works with your body in a unique way, serving as general support to homeostasis. CBD may help you sleep, but it’s unlikely to make you tired as a sleep aid would.

How Does CBD Work?

Your body is full of cannabinoid receptors. They’re just about everywhere, from your brain to your digestive system. Your body also performs a lot of functions, many of which are background processes that you aren’t inherently aware of. 

Your endocannabinoid system functions a lot like a giant overlay that integrates with many of these processes. Your body makes its own cannabinoids, called endogenous cannabinoids, to power your endocannabinoid system. 

The nuances of these processes are still being researched. Medical research has yet to uncover a definitive answer as to what normal cannabinoid levels are because the body makes them and uses them in one fell swoop. 

CBD interacts with the same receptors endogenous cannabinoids interact with, provoking a reaction from the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system influences a wealth of processes, seemingly by inspiring the body to work more efficiently.

This is what leads to the general feeling of well-being when people use CBD. Their bodies are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, and they have the support they need to perform their homeostatic functions in an optimal way.

CBD Versus THC

CBD and THC both come from the same plant, but they’re very different things. CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors, but it doesn’t have an affinity for binding for those receptors. THC has an affinity for binding to receptors, and it produces very noticeable effects when it binds.

THC can significantly change the way you feel and alter your consciousness very quickly. In layman’s terms, THC gets you high. Some people enjoy this feeling, either for recreational or medical purposes. 

Other people don’t enjoy the way THC’s influence feels. They find that it produces unwanted side effects that act as unwelcome disruptions to their day-to-day lives. Some people cannot use products containing THC. 

For example, according to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s guidelines, most professional athletes are forbidden from using THC products. 

CBD’s effects are far more subtle, and they don’t produce a high. They gently support the body and often improve mood, all without cognitive impairment. CBD is a better solution for many people who want to use cannabinoids as a part of their wellness routine but cannot use or do not want to use THC. 

Cannabis containing THC and CBD-specific products are often used for sleep, but they work very differently. Indica strains of cannabis often act as a sedative for their users, lulling them to sleep with a heavy hand. CBD can also support better sleep, but it’s significantly more subtle in its approach. 

Does CBD Make You Feel Tired?

CBD does not produce dramatic effects. When you use CBD, you may experience an overall feeling of calmness. CBD doesn’t act as a sedative. It won’t make you feel tired when you use it, particularly if you’ve already had a sufficient amount of sleep. The simplest explanation? CBD can help you feel ready for sleep when your body knows it’s time to go to sleep.

CBD cannot make you feel groggy or cloudy like traditional sleep aids do. It also does not come with the same risk of addiction or dependency. CBD works to support your body differently.

Then How Does CBD Support Better Sleep?

CBD is supportive in general. This seems broad and vague, but it’s important to remember that the endocannabinoid system is broad and vague. It has its hands in everything your body needs to do, and sleep is one of the numerous things your body works to facilitate. 

Two particular benefits of CBD may make it easier to sleep at night, such as its ability to soothe emotional tension and soothe physical tension. 

We’ve all had stressful nights. It’s very difficult to shut your brain off when you have a lot on your mind, and you aren’t looking forward to everything that awaits you when you wake up. You need to enter a relaxed state to fall asleep, and if not a single bone in your body wants to relax, you’re going to have a tough time. 

CBD can support your efforts to relax, and it’s especially effective if used in conjunction with a relaxation ritual. You need to change channels in your brain. If you use CBD and continue ruminating about the things that stress you out, you’re essentially fighting relaxation. You need a change of pace. 

Sublingual CBD tincture begins to work in less than an hour. When you’re getting ready for bed, use CBD as your first step in your bedtime ritual. Brush your teeth, set your alarm, and tend to the other formalities. Then, spend some time focusing on your headspace.

Many people find that reading, journaling, sketching, meditating, or an extended pampering session helps their brains switch gears. Focusing on something that makes you feel good. The relaxation boost CBD provides can make this easier. 

Does CBD Help with Sleep Quality?

Doctors may treat with prescription sleep medications, but these medications aren’t intended for long-term use. Most prescription sleep aids shouldn’t be used for longer than two weeks. 

Treatment for long-term conditions is best left to medical professionals and mental health experts. It may involve lifestyle changes, like giving up caffeine or reprioritizing your routine to reduce stress from your life. 

CBD can be used with other gentle and natural sleep aids, like melatonin, passionflower, chamomile, and valerian root to induce relaxation when prescription medication is not an option or has run its intended course. 

Although CBD doesn’t aggressively target sleep quality the same way prescription medications or over-the-counter sleep aid medications do, it’s a gentle and non-habit-forming way to soothe the mind and body. 

If you’re being treated for conditions that impact your sleep health, talk to your doctor before incorporating CBD into your wellness routine. Your care professionals work hard to structure a plan for your care, and before you make any modifications to it, you need to seek approval. 

Does CBD Have Side Effects?

Many prescription sleep medications and over-the-counter sleep aids have side effects that spill into the next day. Some people wake up groggy or cloudy. THC can have the same impact on its users. 

CBD is generally well tolerated by everyone. It doesn’t leave you in a haze that puts a halt on your morning productivity. You should wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. 

Stay Consistent With CBD To Experience the Benefits

If you try CBD at bedtime once and find that it doesn’t work, don’t write it off. CBD works best with consistent use. CBD should become a part of your wellness ritual, rather than an occasional bandage for moments where you need a little extra help. It can take about a month of consistent use before the benefits of CBD become profoundly noticeable. 

Natural CBD Without the THC

Peels does CBD a little differently. Our CBD doesn’t contain any THC because it isn’t made from a cannabis plant. We use a unique process to create bioidentical CBD from orange peels. It’s CBD created in nature and perfected by science. 

Peels is fresh-squeezed CBD, designed to deliver benefits without any THC at all. 

Peels is a better option for people who don’t want to use cannabis products or cannot use cannabis products. It works exactly the same as any other CBD. Your body won’t be able to discern a difference. You’re not sacrificing quality - you’re only sacrificing THC. 

Just place the dropper under your tongue and hold the oil in place for 60 seconds, giving it ample time to absorb through the soft tissue. Swallow the remnants, and you’re good to go. 



Endocannabinoid System - an overview | Science Direct

Prescription sleeping pills: What's right for you? | Mayo Clinic

Marijuana FAQ | US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)